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How you can bring the most important page on your law firms website to life!

Whether it's driving traffic to your website or reaffirming the word of mouth reviews from clients or potential leads, a lawyer's profile page is an integral part of any law firms website. 

This is why the team here at Passle have introduced the capability to pull the timely, relevant content that your lawyers are creating directly into their bio pages, as well as other relevant areas of the website. 

The Passle jQuery plugin allows you to easily integrate Passle content with your website. There are several options and preset styles to choose from, or you can easily create a customised look and feel to perfectly fit in with your site. All you need to do is add a simple code snippet, and the plugin will handle the rest.

Take a look below to see how some of our clients are using our jQuery plugin to seamlessly integrate their content and various web pages:

Here you can see Neill Blundell's profile on the Macfarlanes webpage, as you scroll down the page you can see a live feed of all of Neill's latest insights. 

Brabners demonstrate another great example of how you can use our jQuery plugin. This is the Brabners Sports page which keeps visitors informed on everything sport-related in the firm, from the team members to the latest news and reports. Brabners also use the Passle plugin to feed all of their sport-related insights into this page. This is great way to use content to keep the page up-to-date and keep your visitors engaged and informed.

Using the plugin is a great way to customise the look and feel of your content and keep your site up to date with all of the latest insights being created by your team. To find out more you can view full documentation here or alternatively you can get in touch with your client success consultant. 

Attorney bios rank as the second-most important resource when researching lawyers and law firms. The first is recommendations from trusted sources. Attorney bios are the largest driver of traffic to law firm websites. 83% of in-house counsel (up from 78% from last year) ranked lawyer bios as important when researching outside lawyers and law firms for a potential hire.


knowledge base article, developer, admin, marketing, website integration, wider rollout, ongoing success, integration